
Jurnal Ternak with registered numbers ISSN 2086-5201 (printed) and ISSN 2684-6799 (online) are scientific open access journals published by Litbang Pemas - Universitas Islam Lamongan. The Journal of Livestock aims to publish original research results and review research results on tropical animals such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, poultry and Indonesian endemic animals that are not domesticated, such as deer, anoa, babirusa, etc.

Jurnal Ternak covers a variety of research topics in animal science: breeding and genetics, reproduction and physiology, nutrition, feed science, agrostology, animal products, biotechnology, behavior, welfare, health, animal husbandry systems, socio-economics and policy. Journal of Livestock is published every six months (June  and December).

Jurnal Ternak The publisher in this journal experienced a change from the print ISSN and Online ISSN submission, it was stated that the publisher of the Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Lamongan then on the website the publisher experienced a change in the "Litbang Pemas - Universitas Islam Lamongan".

Jurnal Ternak starting in 2020 implements the In Press article process with the provisions that it still goes through the editor, review and plagiarism procedures.

Jurnal Ternak  begins in issue of Volume 11 No. 02 of 2020 article template and style of journal environment in accordance with the latest full English templates.

On 1 March 2021 the post of editor-in-chief was diverted from Mrs. Dyanovita Al - Kurnia S.Pt, M.Agr to Mr. Dr. Edy Susanto S.Pt, M.P .

In view of the extraordinary interest in the publication of the Jurnal Ternak, with the quality of the articles '' which are also extraordinary, we ask for directions to change the publication period which was originally only 1 year 2 times (June and December) to 4 times (March, June, September, and December) on ISSN numbers 2086-5201 (printed) and ISSN 2684-6799 (online) at the web address: http://jurnalpeternakan.unisla.ac.id/index.php/ternak/index. For the addition of the edition dated January 1, 2023.